Every social institution in maintained by language, education, religion, law, government, group of human, the family all are carried on with language. Individually, we use language to carry on love and to carry out hate by written or spoken. We use language to reveal or conceal our identity our background our character often wholly unconscious that we are doing so.
Language is the most important thing in communication, without the language: we could not now or introduce something or someone. Everyone use the language as a tool of communication in social interaction. When the people communicate, they will use language which have understood by another, because a good communication which base on language understanding.
In using language there are three aspect to support a communication, such as:
- Speaker as someone who send the message.
- The sound is the listener who receive a message.
- Language in this matter language has function as a media to distribute the message with use the language understanding in language.
There is term study of the ways people use language in interaction it is called sociolinguistics. In sociolinguistic, we study about the ways people use the language and its variation in society.
One of the language variation is Slang. Slang only uses in particular occasion and particular group. Sometime only the particular group who knows or understand about language variation which they will use slang if there is the same understanding about the word they use. Slang be specific communicating in particular special group.
Slang is the use of highly informal words that are not considered standard in the speaker’s dialect or language. The difficult in using of slang happens in group beauty skin care in Pasar Baru, baturaja. They use some vocabularies that unusually by the other people. So, vocabularies can not be understood by the other society. The researcher takes the group of beauty skin care in Pasar Baru, Baturaja because in OKU regency there are many kinds of ethic language who used in society.
They use slang as an alternative or other way variation in their society the problem which occurred in using slang are :
- The semantics slang used by the group of beauty skin care in Pasar Baru, Baturaja
- The factors of using slang used by the group of beauty skin care in Pasar Baru, Baturaja.
This research focused of the phenomenon of using slang used by the group of beauty skin care in Pasar Baru, Baturaja. There are three group of beauty skin care in Pasar Baru, Baturaja.
The problem is formulated :
- What is slang used by the group of beauty skin care in Pasar Baru, Baturaja.
- What are the factors which introduce the introduce the group of beauty skin care in Pasar Baru, Baturaja.
- To find the semantic slang used by the group of beauty skin care in Pasar Baru, Baturaja.
- To find the semantic slang used in name of word in group of beauty skin care in Pasar Baru, Baturaja.
1. Theoretical significance
a. To add knowledge of language especially using of slang used for group of beauty
skin care in Pasar Baru, Baturaja.
b. To increase understanding of using slang .
c. To know the dialect language of the group of beauty skin care in Pasar Baru,
2. Practical Significance
a. To give the specific understanding of semantic of slang used for group of beauty
skin care in Pasar Baru, Baturaja.
b. To researches a good communication among the gank and the common society.
1. The Study of Sociolinguistics
Sociolinguistics is the study of ways people use language in social interaction, including cultural norm, expectations, and context. On the... way language is used, and the effects of language use on society. Sociolinguistics is a term including the aspects of linguistics applied toward the connections between language and society, and the way we use it in different social situations. It ranges from the study of the wide variety of dialects across a given region down to the analysis between the way men and women speak to one another. Sociolinguistics often shows us the humorous realities of human speech and how a dialect of a given language can often describe the age, sex, and social class of the speaker; it codes the social function of a language. Sociolinguists also examine different dialects, accents, and levels of diction in light of social distinctions among people. Although accent refers strictly to pronunciation, in practice a dialect can usually be identified by the accent of its speakers as well as by distinctive words, usages, idiomatic expressions, and grammatical features. Dialects reflect and may reinforce class, ethnic, or regional differences among speakers of the same language. In some cases difference of dialect shades into difference of language. Where the line between them is not clear, groups that are linguistically distinct are considered to speak different dialects of the same language if they can generally understand each other, although what constitutes this mutual intelligibility is itself not always clear.
The social aspects of language were in the modern sense first studied by Indian and Japanese linguists in the 1930s, and also by Gauchat in Switzerland in the early 1900s, but none received much attention in the West until much later. The study of the social motivation of language change, on the other hand, has its foundation in the wave model of the late 19th century. The first attested use of the term sociolinguistics was by Thomas Callan Hodson in the title of a 1939 paper. Sociolinguistics in the West first appeared in the 1960s and was pioneered by linguists such as William Labov in the US and Basil Bernstein in the UK.
a. Applications of sociolinguistics
For example, a sociolinguist might determine through study of social attitudes that a particular vernacular would not be considered appropriate language use in a business or professional setting. Sociolinguists might also study the grammar, phonetics, vocabulary, and other aspects of this socialite much as dialectologists would study the same for a regional dialect. The study of language variation is concerned with social constraints determining language in its contextual environment. Code-switching is the term given to the use of different varieties of language in different social situations. William Labov is often regarded as the founder of the study of sociolinguistics. He is especially noted for introducing the quantitative study of language variation and change, making the sociology of language into a scientific discipline.
b. Sociolinguistics variables
Studies in the field of sociolinguistics typically take a sample population and interview them, assessing the realization of certain sociolinguistic variables. A commonly studied source of variation is regional dialects. Dialectology studies variations in language based primarily on geographic distribution and their associated features. Sociolinguists concerned with grammatical and phonological features that correspond to regional areas are often called dialectologists. There are several different types of age-based variation one may see within a population. They are:
1. vernacular of a subgroup with membership typically characterized by a specific age
2. age-graded variation, and
3. indications of linguistic change in progress. Variation may also be associated with
gender. Men and women, on average, tend to use slightly different language style.
These differences tend to be quantitative rather than qualitative.
That is, to say that women use a particular speaking style more than men do is akin to saying that men are taller than women (i.e., men are on average taller than women, but some women are taller than some men).
c. Traditional sociolinguistic interview
Sociolinguistic interviews are an integral part of collecting data for sociolinguistic studies. There is an interviewer, who is conducting the study, and a subject, or informant, who is the interviewee. In order to get a grasp on a specific linguistic form and how it is used in the dialect of the subject, a variety of methods are used to elicit certain registers of speech. There are five different styles, ranging from formal to casual. The most formal style would be elicited by having the subject read a list of minimal pairs (MP). Minimal pairs are pairs of words that differ in only one phoneme, such as cat and bat. Having the subject read a word list (WL) will elicit a formal register, but generally not as formal as MP. The reading passage (RP) style is next down on the formal register, and the interview style (IS) is when an interviewer can finally get into eliciting a more casual speech from the subject. During the IS the interviewer can converse with the subject and try to draw out of them an even more casual sort of speech by asking him to recall childhood memories or maybe a near death experience, in which case the subject will get deeply involved with the story since strong emotions are often attached to these memories. Of course, the most sought after type of speech is the casual style (CS). This type of speech is difficult if not impossible to elicit because of the Observer's Paradox. The closest one might come to CS in an interview is when the subject is interrupted by a close friend or family member, or perhaps must answer the phone. CS is used in a completely unmonitored environment where the subject feels most comfortable and will use their natural vernacular without overtly thinking about it.
2. The Study About Slang
a. Defining slang
Slang is defined both as a group-related variety and as an informal vocabulary of more general use. It is characterized by many extra-grammatical formations which distinguish it from standard English, but also by formations which conform to regular patterns. Slang is the use of informal words and expressions that are not considered standard in the speaker's dialect or language. Slang is often to be found in areas of the lexicon that refer to things considered taboo (see euphemism). It is often used to identify with one's peers and, although it may be common among young people, it is used by people of all ages and social groups. Few linguists have endeavored to clearly define what constitutes slang. Attempting to remedy this, Bethany K. Dumas and Jonathan Lighter argue that an expression should be considered "true slang" if it meets at least two of the following criteria:·
- It lowers, if temporarily, "the dignity of formal or serious speech or writing"; in other words, it is likely to be considered in those contexts a "glaring misuse of register."·
- Its use implies that the user is familiar with whatever is referred to, or with a group of people who are familiar with it and use the term.
- “It is a taboo term in ordinary discourse with people of a higher social status or greater responsibility."·
- It replaces "a well-known conventional synonym". This is done primarily to avoid the discomfort caused by the conventional item or by further elaboration.
b. Extent and origin of slang
Slang can be regional (that is, used only in a particular territory), but slang terms are often particular instead to a certain subculture, such as music or video gaming. Nevertheless, slang expressions can spread outside their original areas to become commonly used, like "cool" and "jive." While some words eventually lose their status as slang (the word "mob", for example, began as a shortening of Latin mobile vulgus), others continue to be considered as such by most speakers. When slang spreads beyond the group or subculture that originally uses it, its original users often replace it with other, less-recognized terms to maintain group identity. One use of slang is to circumvent social taboos, as mainstream language tends to shy away from evoking certain realities. For this reason, slang vocabularies are particularly rich in certain domains, such as violence, crime, drugs, and sex. Alternatively, slang can grow out of mere familiarity with the things described. Among Californian wine connoisseurs (and other groups), for example, Cabernet Sauvignon is often known as "Cab Sav," Chardonnay as "Chard" and so on this means that naming the different wines expends less superfluous effort; it also helps to indicate the user's familiarity with wine. Even within a single language community, slang, and the extent to which it is used, tends to vary widely across social, ethnic, economic, and geographic strata. Slang may fall into disuse over time; sometimes, however, it grows more and more common until it becomes the dominant way of saying something, at which time it usually comes to be regarded as mainstream, acceptable language (e.g. the Spanish word caballo), although in the case of taboo words there may be no expression that is considered mainstream or acceptable. Numerous slang terms pass into informal mainstream speech, and sometimes into formal speech, though this may involve a change in meaning or usage.
Slang very often involves the creation of novel meanings for existing words. It is common for such novel meanings to diverge significantly from the standard meaning. Thus, "cool" and "hot" can both mean "very good," "impressive," or "good-looking". Slang terms are often known only within a clique or ingroup. For example, Leet ("Leetspeak" or "1337") was originally popular only among certain Internet subcultures, such as crackers and online video gamers. During the 1990s, and into the early 21st century, however, Leet became increasingly more commonplace on the Internet, and it has spread outside Internet-based communication and into spoken languages. Other types of slang include SMS language used on mobile phones, and "chatspeak," (e.g., "LOL", an acronym meaning "laughing out loud" or "laugh out loud" or ROFL, "rolling on the floor laughing"), which is widely used in instant messaging on the Internet.
c. Distinction between slang and colloquialisms
Some linguists make a distinction between slang’s (slang words) and colloquialisms. According to Ghil'ad Zuckermann, "slang refers to informal (and often transient) lexical items used by a specific social group, for instance teenagers, soldiers, prisoners and thieves. Slang is not the same as colloquial (speech), which is informal, relaxed speech used on occasion by any speaker; this might include contractions such as 'you’re,' as well as colloquialisms. A colloquialism is a lexical item used in informal speech; whilst the broadest sense of the term ‘colloquialism’ might include slangism, its narrow sense does not. Slangisms are often used in colloquial speech but not all colloquialisms are slangisms. One method of distinguishing between a slangism and the a colloquialism is to ask whether most native speakers know the word (and use it); if they do, it is a colloquialism. However, the problem is that this is not a discrete, quantized system but a continuum. Although the majority of slangisms are ephemeral and often supplanted by new ones, some gain non-slang colloquial status (e.g. English silly – cf. German selig ‘blessed’, Middle High German sælde ‘bliss, luck’ and Zelda, a Jewish female first name) and even formal status (e.g. English mob)."
3. Semantics of Slang
Semantics of language is the study of relations between different linguistic units and important for understanding language in social contexts, as these are likely to affect meaning, and for understanding varieties of English and effects of style. It is thus one of the most fundamental concepts in linguistics. There are a number of item which deal with semantics :
a. Synonymy
Refer to word with the meaning as another.
b. Antonym
Refer to word that is apposite in meaning to another.
c. Polycemy
Refer to a word multiple meaning that are related conceptually or historically.
d. Hyponymy
Refer to a sense relation between predicates (or sometime longer phrases) suck that the meaning of one predicate ( or phrase ) is included in meaning of the other.
e. Homonymy
Refer to word spell and pronunciations like another word but with a different
f. Denotation
Refer to the truly meaning of word.
The language has system and sub-system which is understands by the entite language speaker indifferently. Even though, because of the language speaker are there in the speech society, they are not homogeny, so the concrete language form become heterogenic. The language become very kind and very various. The kindness and variation of language happened not only causes by the non homogeny of its speakers, but also the social interaction of the activity that they do very various. One of the language kindnesses and variation is slang. Slang should be distinguished from jargon, which is the technical exclude non-group members from the conversation, but in general has the function of allowing its users to talk precisely about technical issues in a given field. One example of slang that is taken as the study by the researchers is slang used by group of beauty skin care in Pasar Baru, Baturaja. The characteristics used by slang of group of parlor society are main problem in this research.
The main objective of this research is to describe the characteristics of the semantics slang used by the group of beauty skin care in Pasar Baru, Baturaja. The researcher take of slang of society because this is interesting to be researched, beside suck slang is never researched before, as the researcher know.
The sample of researches is the group of group beauty skin care in Pasar Baru, Baturaja. Slang of the group of beauty skin care society is hoped will make contribution for people who are involved in this activity. Beside it can improve someone’s knowledge for those who are learning language in social life. And also from this research it can make the people know how to use the slang in social life.
This research is descriptive in nature; it attempt to see and to describe what kind of semantics slang used by the group of beauty skin care in Pasar Baru, Baturaja. The objects of researched were the characteristics of slang based on the semantics feature in the of beauty skin care in Pasar Baru, Baturaja.
The population of these research was the group of beauty skin care in Pasar Baru, Baturaja. The research choose them for some reason, Firstly, because the distance, Secondly, because the unique characteristics that had by the group of beauty skin care in Pasar Baru, Baturaja. Especially their slang.
1. The group of beauty skin care in Pasar Baru, Baturaja.
2. sample from group Beauty skin care in around Baturaja consist of 10 members Ayu, Gita, Elan, Caca,Nofri, Jupe, Oku, Hafis, Yudi, and Saham. They are from three group beauty skin care in Pasar Baru, Baturaja.
The data were collected as follows:
The research attended them, recorded the field notes, included the note were event, conservations, and the observer’s opinion.
2.Audio tape
To support the completeness of the data, the researchers add use of an audio tape recorder as the supplementary method of observation ;it could be an authentic document that the research could always refer to and plat it any time she wanted.
The main instruments of research are the criteria of slang that is helped by the software, that is the group of beauty parlor society slang and theory of sociolinguistics and hardware that is instrument such as voice recorder, list of paper, pen, and field notes.
The data observed in this research are about the semantics of slang used by group of beauty skin care in Pasar Baru, Baturaja.
The data of slang.
No. | Number of Data | Slang
| Indonesia meaning
| Meaning | |
1 | 01 | Nyenyong | Bernyanyi | Sing | |
2 | 02 | Balita | Pulang | Back | |
3 | 03 | Mekong | Makan | Eat | |
4 | 04 | Minahasa | Minum | Drink | |
5 | 05 | Cucok | Tampan | Good looking | |
6 | 06 | Geles | Mau | Want | |
7 | 07 | Bala-bala | Bersama-sama | Together | |
8 | 08 | Lapangan | Lapar | Hungry | |
9 | 09 | mendong | Mandi | Take a bath | |
10 | 10 | Yondrang | Benar | True | |
11 | 11 | Capcus | Cepat | Quickly | |
12 | 12 | Lorna | PSK | Prostitute | |
13 | 13 | Tiray | Tidur | Sleep | |
14 | 14 | Akikah | Aku | I | |
15 | 15 | Kanoak | Kamu | You | |
16 | 16 | Nesong | Nasi | Rice | |
17 | 17 | Jehong | Jelek | Ugly | |
18 | 18 | Gilingan | Gila | Crazy | |
19 | 19 | Nerong | Nari | Dance | |
20 | 20 | Dusnak | Kampungan | Villiger | |
21 | 21 | Duta | Uang | Money | |
22 | 22 | Kelincang | Kecil | Small | |
23 | 23 | Gedong | Besar | Large | |
24 | 24 | Melda | Malu | Shy | |
25 | 25 | Sindang | Kesini | Come here | |
26 | 26 | Tubang | Tua | Old | |
27 | 27 | Brondong | Muda | Young | |
28 | 28 | Senderong | Sendiri | Alone | |
29 | 29 | Tintang | Tidak mau | Wont | |
30 | 30 | Titah | Salah | Wrong | |
31 | 31 | Hepong | Handpone | Handphone | |
32 | 32 | Cik | Kawan | Guy | |
33 | 33 | Somsek | Sombong | Arogant | |
34 | 34 | Best | Banci | Effeminacy | |
35 | 35 | Hamida | Hamil | Pregnant | |
36 | 36 | Ngondek | Nongkrong | hang out | |
37 | 37 | Lekong | Laki-laki | Boy | |
38 | 38 | Yabe / betinong | Wanita | Girl | |
39 | 39 | Bengong | Bangun | Wake Up | |
1. Semantics of slang used by group of beauty skin care
Slang is the use of highly informal words and expressions that are not considered standard in speakers dialect or language. Actually, the semantics of slang used by group of beauty skin care in Pasar Baru, Baturaja.
That can be seen in table 1 below.
Table I of slang used by the group of beauty skin care in Pasar Baru, Baturaja
No | Number of Data | Slang
1 | 05 | Cucok |
2 | 11 | Capcus |
3 | 22 | Kelincang |
4 | 17 | Jehong |
5 | 21 | Duta |
6 | 36 | Ngondek |
7 | 10 | Yondrang |
a. Synonym
Table 2 the synonym of slang used by the group of beauty skin care in Pasar Baru, Baturaja
No | Number of Data | Slang | Synonym | Meaning |
1 | 05 | Cucok | Tampan | Handsome |
2 | 11 | Capcus | Cepat | Quickly |
3 | 22 | Kelincang | Kecil | Small |
4 | 17 | Jehong | Jelek | Ugly |
5 | 21 | Duta | Uang | Money |
6 | 36 | Ngondek | Nongkrong | Hang out |
7 | 10 | Yondrang | Benar | True |
b. Antonym
Table 3 the antonym of slang used by group of beauty skin care in Pasar Baru, Baturaja
No | Number of Data | Slang
1 | 17 >< 05 | Jehong >< Cucok |
2 | 14 >< 15 | Akikah >< Kanoak |
3 | 10 >< 30 | Yondrang >< Titah |
4 | 26 >< 27 | Tubang >< Brondong |
5 | 06 >< 29 | Geles >< Tintang |
6 | 07 >< 28 | Bala-bala >< Senderong |
7 | 13 >< 39 | Tiray >< Bengong |
Table 4 the antonym of slang used by group of Beauty skin care in Pasar baru, Baturaja.
No | Number data of slang | Slang | Antonym | Meaning |
1 | 17 >< 05 | Jehong >< cucok | Ugly >< good looking | Unplesent, stingy >< handsome, beautiful | |
2 | 14 >< 15 | Akikah >< kenoak | I >< you | Me >< other one |
3 | 10 >< 30 | Yondrang >< titah | True >< wrong | Loyal, real, >< not true, mistake |
4 | 26 >< 27 | Tubang >< brondong | Old >< young | over old >< still young and child |
5 | 06 >< 29 | Geles >< tintang | Want >< wont | Like something >< Will not |
6 | 07 >< 28 | Bala- bala > | Together >< alone | Confident, organized, >< only one person |
7 | 13 >< 39 | Tiray >< bengong | Sleep >< weak up | Go bed >< stand up from bed |
c. polycemy
Table 5 polycemy of slang used by the group Beauty skin care in Pasar baru, Baturaja.
No | Number data of slang | Slang |
1 | 02 | Balita |
2 | 04 | Minahasa |
3 | 07 | Bala- bala |
4 | 08 | Lapangan |
5 | 18 | Gilingan |
6 | 39 | Bengong |
Table 6 The polycemy of slang used by the group Beauty skin care in Pasar baru, Baturaja.
No | Number data of slang | Slang | Polycemy | Meaning |
1 | 02 | Balita | Balita >< balita | Back >< baby |
2 | 04 | Minahasa | Minahasa >< minahasa | Drink >< name of ethnis |
3 | 07 | Bala- bala | Bala- bala >< bala- bala | Together >< kind of food |
4 | 08 | Lapangan | Lapangan >< lapangan | Hungry >< field |
5 | 18 | Gilingan | Gilingan >< gilingan | Crazy >< gring rool |
6 | 39 | Bengong | Bengong >< bengong | Wake up >< vacant |
d. Homonym
Tabel 6 The Homonym of slang used by the group beauty skin care in Pasar Baru, Baturaja.
No | Number data of slang | Slang | Homonym | Meaning |
1 | 13 | Tiray | Tiray >< Tirai | Sleep >< Curtain |
2 | 14 | Akikah | Akikah >< Akiqah | I >< pray to get bless of god |
The meaning data of slang used by Beauty skin care Pasar Baru, Baturaja. This research the writer take 39 sample of word or slang they are:
a. Synonym
The synonym is the relationship between two predicate that have the same sense they are some slang which are synonymous, they are :
- Data 05
The word cucok and tampan have similar meaning is eat.
- Data 11
The word capcus and cepat have similar meaning is quickly.
- Data 22
The word kelincang and kecil have similar meaning is small.
- Data 17
The word jehong and jelek have similar meaning is ugly.
- Data 21
The word duta and duit have similar meaning is money.
- Data 36
The word ngondek and nongkrong have similar meaning is hang out.
- Data 07
The word yondrang and benar have similar meaning is true.
b. Antonym
The antonym is the sense relation of various kinds of opposition meaning between lexical items. In the data below are the antonymous words of slang in group Beauty skin care in Pasar baru, Baturaja.
- Data 17 and 05
The word jehong and cucok has different meaning. Jehong has meaning ugly while cucok has meaning good looking.
- Data 14 and 15
The word akikah and kenoak has different meaning. Akikah has meaning I while kenoak has meaning you.
- Data 10 and 30
The word yondrang and titah has different meaning. Yondrang has meaning true while titah has meaning wrong.
- Data 26 and 27
The word tubang and brondong has different meaning. Tubang has meaning old while brondong has meaning young.
- Data 06 and 29
The word geles and tintang has different meaning. Geles has meaning want while tintang has meaning wont.
- Data 07 and 28
The word bala- bala and senderong has different meaning. Bala- bala has meaning together while senderong has meaning alone.
- Data 13 and 39
The word tiray and bengong has different meaning. Tiray has meaning sleep while bengong has meaning wake up.
c. Polycemy
Refer to a word multiple meaning that are related conceptually or historically.
- Data 02
The word balita and balita has similar spelt. Balita has meaning back and balita also has meaning baby.
- Data 04
The word minahasa and minahasa has similar spelt. Minahasa has meaning drink and also has meaning name of ethnic.
- Data 07
the word bala- bala and bala- bala has similar spelt. Bala- bala has meaning together and also has meaning kind of food.
- Data 08
Lapangan and lapangan has similar spelt. Lapangan has meaning hungry but lapangan also has meaning field.
d. Homonymy
Refer to word spell and pronounciation like another word but with a different
1. Data 19
The word tiray and tirai has similar spelt. Tiray has meaning sleep but tirai has meaning curtain.
2. Data 20
Akikah and akiqah has similar spelt. Akikah has meaning I but akiqah has meaning
e. Other data of slang used by group Beauty skin care Pasar Baru, Baturaja
1. Data 01
The word nyenyong has meaning sing a song.
2. Data 03
The word mekong has meaning eat some food with our mouth.
3. Data 09
The word minahasa has meaning take a bath or take a shower.
4. Data 12
The word lorna has meaning prostitute.
5. Data 19
The word nerong has meaning dance or do activity with gesture of body.
6. Data 20
The word dusnak has meaning village or some one doesn’t know with information in outside.
7. Data 23
The word gedong has meaning big or large form.
8. Data 24
The word melda has meaning embarrass or shy.
9. Data 25
The word sindang has meaning come here or come to me.
10. Data 31
The word hepong has meaning handpone or telephone.
11. Data 32
The word cik has meaning guys or brother to call some one.
12. Data 33
The word somsek has meaning Arrogant or forget with friends.
13. Data 34
The word best has meaning effeminacy or transgender.
14. Data 35
The word hamida has meaning Pregnant to say with pregnant mother.
15. Data 37
The word lekong has meaning boy or man.
16. Data 38
The word yabe or betinong has meaning girl or woman.
Transcript interview data of slang in Gita Salon
Pasar Baru, Baturaja
Name Interviewer : GITA
Age : 28 year old
Sex : Male
From the interview in Gita salon the researchers get 15 slang such as:
1. Data 01
Nyenyong has meaning sing a song and it uses when the group want to make musical form their mount.
2. Data 02
Balita has meaning back or come back it uses when the group want to back home.
3. Data 03
Makong has meaning eat it uses when the group want to eat some food or rice
4. Data 04
Minahasa has meaning drink it uses when the group want to drink water or other drinks.
5. Data 05
Cucok has meaning good looking it uses when the group look some one or something is good or nice looking.
6. Data 06
Geles has meaning want or like it uses when the group want or like about something
7. Data 07
Bala-bala has meaning together it use when the group want to do something with togetherness not individually.
8. Data 08
Lapangan has meaning hungry it use when the group feel hungry and would like to eat some food.
9. Data 09
Mendong has meaning take a bath it use when the group want to clean their body after they do some activity.
10. Data 10
Yondrang has meaning right or true it use when the group want to tell if their friend true when their friend answer their question.
11. Data 11
Capcus has meaning quickly it use when the group want to give instruction with their friend to do some activity with fast.
12. Data 12
Lorna has meaning prostitute it use when they want to say bad word with their friend or other one.
13. Data 13
Tiray has meaning sleep it use when the group want go sleep or take a rest or when they feel sleepy.
14. Data 14
Akikah has meaning I it use when the group want to determine them selves.
15. Data 15
Kanoak has meaning You or other one it uses when the group want to say with other people or with their friend.
Transcript interview data of slang in Pionar Salon
Pasar Baru, Baturaja
Name Interviewer : NOFRI
Age : 21 year old
Sex : Male
From the interview in Pionar salon the researchers get 15 slang such as:
1. Data 16
Nesong has meaning rice it use when the group want to say kind of food actually for eat.
2. Data 17
Jehong has meaning ugly or bad it uses when the group look the ugly one or disagree with some one.
3. Data 18
Gillingan has meaning crazy or mad one it use when the group say some one is foolish.
4. Data 19
Nerong has meaning dance it use when the group want to dance or
5. Data 20
Dusnak has meaning villager it use when the group want to say underestimate with some one who doesn’t know about up date information.
6. Data 21
Duta has meaning money it use when the group want to pay or want to give money.
7. Data 22
Kelincang has meaning small it use when the group want to say small form of something.
8. Data 23
Gedong has meaning large or big it use when the group look something it big or large.
9. Data 24
Melda has meaning shy or embarrass it use when the group unconfident to say or to do something.
10. Data 26
Sindang has meaning come here it use when the group give instruction with their friend to come with them.
11. Data 27
Bondong has meaning young it use when the group look some one who still young and fresh.
12. Data 28
Tubang has meaning old it use when the group say with some one who more older then them.
13. Data 29
Tintang has meaning wont it use when the group will not do some activity.
14. Data 30
Titah has meaning wrong or incorrect it use when the group want to say if their friend is wrong or incorrect when they speech.
Transcript interview data of slang in JUPE Salon
Pasar Baru, Baturaja
Name Interviewer : JUPE
Age : 21 year old
Sex : Male
From the interview in JUPE salon the researchers get 9 slang such as:
1. Data 31
Hepong has meaning handpone or telephone it use when the group want call or want borrow the handphone from their friends.
2. Data 32
Cik has meaning guys or brother it use to be friendly with their friends.
3. Data 33
Somsek has meaning arrogant it use when the group say with their friend when their friends has forgotten with them.
4. Data 34
Best has meaning effeminacy it use to introduce their status in salon.
5. Data 35
Hamida has meaning pregnant it use to say if they friend like pregnant mother.
6. Data 36
Ngondek has meaning hang out it use when the group want refresh from their job and when they want to get something
7. Data 37
Lekong has meaning boy it use to say man or boy with someone.
8. Data 38
Betinong has meaning girl it use to say girl or woman with someone.
9. Data 39
Bengong has meaning wake up it use to give instruction with their friend to wake up
or to stand up.
Based on the research and the discussion that have been done by the researcher, there are some conclusion.
• the semantics of slang of the group Beauty skin care in Pasar baru, Baturaja, includes :
b. Synonym
The synonym is the relationship between two predicate that have the same sense they are some slang which are synonymous, there are 7 word that has similarity. For example : The word cucok and tampan have similar meaning is eat.
c. Antonym
The antonym is the sense relation of various kinds of opposition meaning between lexical items. In the data below are the antonymous words of slang in group Beauty skin care in Pasar baru, Baturaja. There are 7 word in antonym, For example : the word jehong has different meaning with cucok. Jehong has meaning ugly and cucok has meaning good looking.
d. Polycemy
Refer to a word multiple meaning that are related conceptually or historically there are 6 word in polycemy for example balita the word of slang has meaning back while balita has meaning usually used to call baby.
e. Homonym
the homonym is the sense relation of various kind word that similar spelt and pronounced but different meaning. There are 2 word in homonym for example tiray and tirai.
Finally, the researcher point at their suggestions to all people involved in this activity. Especially for the group beauty skin care in Pasar Baru, Baturaja. The researcher hope that community call uses the slang in the right way. Because as we know if slang is not almost people can understand. So the community should know when they are can use slang or where the suitable place to use slang. So that, the community can make the communication more friendly to the other community.
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Page I (Gita Salon)
We are Anggun, Ayu and Safitri went to Gita salon, When we begin to interview ka gita, ka caca, and ka ayu, they said “melda” it mean that “malu”
Ayu : Assalamualaikum wr wb,
Maaf mba jika kami ganggu, kedatangan kami ke sini ingin melanjutkan observasi tugas kuliah kami yang telah kami jelaskan tempo hari.
Ka Caca : Oo… ya ga apa, ( sambil tersenyum ramah )
Ayu : terima kasih ka,,
Safitri : Kami mo tau ni ka, arti dari Mekong tu kan makan ea?
Kira- kira kata Mekong tu di pakai untuk makan nasi aja, atau setiap makan apa saja walaupun Cuma ngemil?
Ka Gita : Iya, setiap kita mau makan, kami selalu menggunakan kata Mekong.
Anggun : Oia ka, kata tiray itu di gunakanya waktu kapan aja?
Ka Ayu : Iya setiap kami mo tidur, walaupun tidur siang dan tidur malam, kadang
cuma tidur- tiduran juga pake kata tiray.
Ayu : Nah ka, kapan kakak- kakak ni pake bahasa terebut, apakah setiap saat di
pakai atau hanya waktu- waktu tertentu?
Ka gita : Kami berbahasa sesama komunitas saja karena ga semua orang ngerti
dengan bahasa kami,tapi kalau sudah rajin gabung dengan kami biasanya
mereka cepat ngerti dengan bahasa yang kami pakai.
Anggun : Jadi bahasa komunitas kakak ini tergolong bahasa yang mudah di pahami
iya ka?
Ka gita : Iya dek,,
Safitri : Ka bisa ga kami denger percakapan singkat kakak ini kayak ngobrol
Percakapan singkat antara mereka :
Ka gita : Cik…. Ngondek peh.
Ka caca : Ke menong cik ?, ke taman apo?
Ka gita : Yondrang…capcus cik.
Ka ayu : Akikah geles cik, melok kanoak
Ka gita : Yondrang, kito kesindang bala- bala
Ka caca : Yondrang cik, siapa tau dapet brondong cucok.
Ka ayu : Yo lah cik, tapi akikah melda. Amun ketemu brondong cucok.
Ka gita : Ngepes cik melda?
Ka ayu : Karno akikah jehong, dusnak pulo.
Ka gita : Ngepes cik-cik capcus bala- bala kito ke taman.
Page II ( Pionar Salon)
The researcher : Hendra, Desta, Kaspa, And Yumi.
Desta : Assalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb
Nopri : Wa’alaikumsalam, ya mbak ada apa?
Hendra : Ini kak, permisi kami mau mengadakan penelitian di sini, boleh gak ??
Nopri : Owh yang kemaren ya?
Hendra : Ya kak ini mau melanjutkan lagi percakapannya.
Yumi : Ya kak sample yang kami ambil kemaren masih ada yang belum lengkap
Gak apa-apa kan kak, gak ganggu kan.
Nopri : Ya gak apa-apa, dengan senang hati.
Kaspa : Ini kak kemaren kan udah ada data yang kami tanyakan ke kakak, nah
sekarang ada lagi data yang kami masih belum paham kak.
Nopri : Oo… ya boleh selagi saya bisa menjawab akan saya Bantu.
Hendra : Oh ya kak teman yang kemaren mana?
Nopri : Oo…. Itu teman saya yang kemaren gak masuk hari ini jadi saya sendiri.
Hendra : ya… padahal kami ingin dengar percakapan kakak dengan dia nantinya.
Tapi gak apalah yang penting ntar kakak bisa bantu membenarkan data
yang akan kami tanyakan.
Nopri : Ya baiklah, emang apa aja yang mau ditanyakan ya dek?
Desta : Ini kak kemaren ada kata-kata bengong, gilingan, betinong dan nesong?
Nopri : owh … kalau bengong itu artinya bangun, gilingan itu gila, betinong itu
perempuan, dan nesong itu nasi dek.
Desta : Biasanya kalau betinong dan nesong itu digunakan pada saat kapan ya
Nopri : Kalau betinong itu digunakan untuk memanggil perempuan, kalau
Nesong itu di gunakan pada saat mau bilang nasi atau pada saat mau
makan gitu dek.
Kaspa : Kalau tubang dengan minahasa itu apa kak artinya?
Nopri : Kalau tubang itu artinya sudah tua, dan kalau minahasa itu minum dek.
Yumi : Aduh kak gak apakan nanya lagi.
Nopri : Owh gak apa-apa dengan senang hati.
Yumi : Kalau somsek, lorna dan hamida itu apa ya kak??
Nopri : Kalau somsek itu artinya sombong dek, kalau lorna itu berarti orang yang
bekerja sebagai seks komersial itu dek, dan kalau hamida itu sebutan
untuk orang hamil dek.
Hendra : Baiklah kak mungkin itu saja data yang belum kami mengerti, dan terima
kasih banget udah mau bantuin kami semua, dan maaf udah ganggu
aktivitas kakak siang ini.
Nopri : Owh sudah ya??
Ya udah gak apa-apa kok, sama-sama kakak juga senang kalian udah
mau berkunjung kesalon kakak.
Kaspa : Kak sebagai kenang-kenangan kita foto-foto dulu ya kak.
Nopri : Okey.
Setelah foto-foto rombongan researcher pamitan pulang.
The researcher picture in Gita Salon
So Indonesian slang could be discuss in your English paper??