Sabtu, 02 Juli 2011

Contoh Skripsi Bahasa Inggris 2 By Endha BLog

Contoh Skripsi Bahasa Inggris 2

A. Background
Motivation in second language learning is a complex phenomenon which can be defined in terms of two factors : learner’s communicative needs and their attitudes toward the second language community. If learners need to speak the second language in with range of social situations or to fulfill professional ambitions, they will perceive the communicative value of the second language and will there fore be motivated to acquire proficiency in it. It means that when learning language the role of motivation is very important since the students can not learn effectively with less motivation.
Motivation is the dynamic force that energized behavior. It is motivation that compel the child to act. The motivation is persistent since they keep the child acting until he finds the satisfaction for him (Smith, 1958 : 185).
Motivation has function in studying suck as to motivate as motor each activity, to know direction the goal that want to be reach, selecting of action determine the goal want to be reached by throwing of useless activity. From these its hereby are really important ways to know about motivation to student. (Sadirman, 1992, p. 130)

There has been a great deal of research on the role of attitudes and motivation in second language learning such a research that is hold in SMUN 1 Rantau academic year 2001-2002 by Suwazi with the title “ Correlation between motivation in learning English and their achievement in reading comprehension of the second grade students of SMUN 1 Rantau academic year 2001-2002”. It shows that motivation is some kind of internal drive date and encourages somebody to pursue a course of action. The result of the research shows that motivation and the achievement of language skills has tight relationship.
The other research about motivation also held by Marwiyah with the title “The correlation between motivation and vocabulary mastery at SMPN 17 Banjarmasin academic year 2004-2005”, this research result describe that between motivation and learning vocabulary or correlate want to another.
English is difficult lesson for student, certainly teacher, parents and environment have to cooperate to make student realize and want to study English as well. English is not easy lesson studied particularly student at junior high school, because they feel English is not important. Moreover, English at elementary school as addition of lesson in the curriculum. Beside on psychology of human, person will not follow some lesson if that person does not like, but if the person like of course will follow it. In teaching English, the teacher should coopered with media, family and environment approaching of student’s mentality, or invite student to share the problem in learning English. Besides, teacher technique to approach the student interest to English lesson through teaching by meaningful.
Since motivation is very important to make the students interest in learning English so that the teacher’s way in motivating the student can raise the students’ motivation. There are many ways of the teacher’s way in motivating the students suck as, using stimulation, discussion, question and answer activities, role plays, etc.
MTsN Sungai Tabuk is one of the junior high school that provide English. In learning English the student of MTsN Sungai Tabuk is also influence by the motivation. The researcher wants to held a research about the way of the teacher in motivating the students in learning English in this place since the student motivation are still less according to there English achievement report. Motivation of student to study English is less, because of the teacher, family, environment, and facilities which are not support English lesson as well. Beside that MTsN is an Islamic school where almost all the subject is about religion and the research wants to now the way of motivation in learning English is used by the English teacher. Based on the explanation above, the researcher wants to held a research with the title “A descriptive study of the teacher’s way in motivating the students in learning English at MTsN Sungai Tabuk academic year 2006-2007”
B. Identification and Formulation of the Problem
Motivation is very important to ensure of idea and the strength to someone whose have lower of power from inside. Instead of being encouraged build up some of thinking in mind to put concentration on the one topic. Most students have been influenced by something when their motivation is higher. According to pre-research that is done by the researcher student’s motivation at MTsN Sungai Tabuk Kabupaten Gambut Banjarmasin, still less because many influence from inside and outside, and the object of research is the influence of student’s motivation, one of the them is the way of the teacher in motivating the students in learning English.
This research is limited on student at MTsN Sungai Tabuk Banjarmasin, the central of problem formulation namely: “How is the teacher’s way in motivating the students in learning English at the second grade of MTsN Sungai Tabuk?”.
C. Research Objective
The research objective is to know the teacher’s way in motivating the students in learning English at MTsN Sungai Tabuk in academic year 2006-2007.
D. Significance
a. Implication
- The result of the research is expected to give contribution to the theory of the teacher’s way in motivating the students in learning English.
b. Aplication
- For teacher, the result of this research is useful for the teacher, parent and environment how to motivate of students’ interest in studying English.
- For student, to at information of knowledge about how to motivate interest self in order to like English.
E. Working Theory
Mc.Donald’s opinion which taken by Wasty Soemanto in psikologi Pendidikan mentioned : (1986, p. 73)
Motivasi itu sebagai perubahan tenaga di dalam diri atau pribadi seseorang yang di tandai oleh dorongan efektif dan reaksi-reaksi dalam usaha mencapai tujuan. Definisi ini berisi 3 hal yaitu: motivasi dimulai dari suatu perubahan tenaga dalam diri seseorang, motivasi itu ditandai oleh dorongan efektif, motivasi ditandai oleh reaksi mencapai tujuan.
Motivation is very important to learn English as if for student at junior high school, because many of them do not like with English lesson. Certainly to measure of the influence of motivation particular, it will use variable that can support of data of the factors the influence from effective and insist of from students.


A. Motive and Motivation
Motive is a stimulus and encouragement to create behavior. Beside that, there are some definitions of motive and motivation given by some experts.
According to Woodworth (1982:17), “a motive is a set predisposes the individual of certain activities and for seeking certain goals”. While according to Fransen (1982: 18), “motive is internal conditions that arouse sustain direct and determine the intensity of learning effort, and also define the set satisfying or unsatisfying consequences of goal”. Tadjab (1994:101) states “Motive adalah daya penggerak dalam diri seseorang untuk melaksanakan aktivitas-aktivitas tertentu demi mencapai suatu tujuan tertentu”.
Hilgard in Pasaribu (1982:18) defines motivation as a general term characterizing the needs, aspirations, purposes of the organism as these initiate or regulated need satisfying or goal seeking behavior”. Donald (in Pasaribu 1982:19) gives the definition of motivation as an energy change with the person characterized by effective arousal and anticipatory goal reaction. And according to Martin (in Tadjib 1994:2), “Motivasi adalah suatu tenaga atau faktor yang terdapat dalam diri manusia yang menimbulkan, mengarahkan dan mengorganisasikan tingkah laku”.
From the definitions above, it can be concluded that motivation is a situation inside of human that causes someone does activities to reach a goal.
B. Types of Motivation
According to A. Tabrani (1992:72) there are four types of motivation, namely:
a. Competition
It is divided into two, they are: achievement competition and competition to other people. In achievement competition, the students must know the result that is achieved and then attempt to increase the result. Meanwhile in competition to other people, the students learn and compare the result achieved with other students.
b. Clear goal
Motivation encourages the students to achieve the goal. If the goal is clear and useful for the students, the students will attempt to achieve that goal.
c. Close to the goal
If the students see that the goal is far, they will be lazy to achieve and increase the goal. On the contrary, the students will be motivated to reach the goal if it is close to the students.
d. Interest
Interest influences a process of achievement to a motivation. If someone is not interested in something, she/he will not do any activity. But if someone has interest in learning she/he will learn enthusiastically. Someone’ interest to learn something can be seen from her/his desire to study.
The students who have interest in learning English will feel enjoy and give full attention when they follow the lesson. By knowing this, the teacher needs to attempt to raise students’ interest based on students’ behavior and achievement. The students have put interest to the lesson indicated by their behavior. For example: if they give full attention, enjoy and feel happy in the class, and they will achieve good achievement.

C. Ways of Creating Learning Motivation
According to Sardiman (1991:91) there are 10 ways to raise motivation in learning activity at school, namely:
a. Give score
Score is a symbol of value in learning activity. The scores are the strongest motivation for students.
b. Prize
Prize is a motivation arousal too, but it is not always like that. For a work, perhaps it is not interesting for someone who is not interested in it.
c. Competition
Competition is used as an instrument of motivation to encourage students’ learning. The individual or group competition can increase students’ achievement.
d. Ego-Involvement
Ego-Involvement is meant to raise consciousness to students. By applying it,
the students will feel the importance of the task and receive it as challenge.
e. Give test
The students will be diligent to learn if they know that there will be a test. Therefore, giving a test is an instrument of motivation too.

f. To know the result
By knowing the result of task, if there is a progress, it can encourage students to study diligently.
g. Praise
If there is a student successful in finishing their task well in learning, the teacher needs to give praise. It is a kind of positive reinforcement and motivation.
h. Punishment
Punishment is a negative reinforcement. But if it is given exactly and prudently the punishment will be a tool of motivation.
i. Desire to learn
It means that there is an element of consciousness to study.
j. Interest
A motivation rises because there is a need. An interest is a tool of principal communication. The process of learning will run well if there is an interest.
Similar to Sardiman, Djapri Basri (1989:12) proposes 12 ways to give students motivation to learn, they are:
a. Create learning situation that is enjoyable
The situation of learning must be enjoyable. The enjoyable situation can arouse students’ learning motivation.
b. Give prize
Giving prize to clever students can be motivation for students themselves and other students. It will encourage students to get good score.
c. Give praise
If there is a student who is successful in doing task well, it needs to be given praise. Because it is a positive reinforcement and can raise desire of student to study.
d. Competition
Competition is needed too, because it can raise achievement for individual or group competition.
e. Cooperation
In learning activity, cooperation can raise the students’ interest in learning group. The cooperation can give encouragement to learn and help the students who is less clever.
f. Inform students there will be a test
The student will be more diligent to study if they know that there will be a test. This is useful to increase their achievement.
g. Ego-Involvement
The students’ behavior can appear in tasks that they have done if the students feel the importance of tasks and receive it as challenge. So, they will do that task diligently.
h. To arrange the students’ seat variously
The arrangement of students’ seat will create the harmony of learning situation. The teacher and students do not feel bored to use and occupy that class.

i. Use various method in teaching to fit the material
By using various methods in teaching to fit the material, the role of students in learning can be increased.
j. To give comment to students’ work
Beside giving score, comment about mistake that have been made by students in learning is also important to encourage students to learn, such as “very good work”, “next time will be better”, “actually you are able to do the task, but it is still less accurate.
k. To give comment to students’ work
For the students who make mistake, lazy and bad behavior in learning activity, the warning can be a tool to correct behavior. Example: The student who makes noise in the class.
l. Punishment as tool of education
Punishment can be used if the other way is not effective. It may be done if it can change the students’ behavior.
Based on the opinions above, it can be concluded that the teacher in raising learning motivation need to encourage students’ spirit and release burden. Therefore, the goal of teaching and learning activity can be achieved optimally.


A. Research Location

The research location is at MTsN Sungai Tabuk. It is Located on Jl. Kali Martapura, Desa Pembatangan RT. 2 Kecamatan Sungai Tabuk Banjar regency.

B. Research Design
The design of this study is descriptive qualitative where the researcher tries to describe about the teacher’s ways in motivating the students in learning English at MTsN Sungai Tabuk Banjar regency.

C. The Procedure of Data Collection
1. Data Source
The data are the teacher’s ways in motivating the students in learning English. The sources of data are the English teacher and the students of the second grade of MTsN Sungai Tabuk Banjar regency.

2. Research Instrument
Research instrument is questionnaire. There are two questionnaires. The first questionnaire is given to the teacher to know the teacher’s ways of motivating students in learning English. The second questionnaire is given to the students to know to what extent their motivation toward the English lesson as the impact of the teacher’s ways to arouse the students’ motivation.
3. Technique of Collecting Data
The data were collected through observation, questionnaire and interview. The techniques were applied to investigate the teacher’s ways in motivating the students in learning English.
a. Observation
Observation is used to get the data about how the teacher’s way in motivating the students in learning English.
b. Questionnaire
Questionnaire is used to complete the data gained through observation. In the questionnaire, there are ten questions that should be answered by the teacher. There are two questionnaires. The first questionnaire is given to the teacher to know the teacher’s ways of motivating students in learning English. The second questionnaire is given to the students to know to what extent their motivation toward the English lesson as the impact of the teacher’s ways to arouse the students’ motivation.
c. Interview
This interview was used to complete the data gained through observation and questionnaires. The interview is addressed to the English teacher about his ways in motivating the students in learning English.

4. Research Population
The Subject of the study is the English teacher and all students in the second grade at MTsN Sungai Tabuk Banjar regency academic year 2006-2007. There are two classes of the second grade, II A consist of 24 students and II B consist 23 students, since the number of subject is less them 100 person so that all the subjects were taken as the sample, that is 47 students.

D. Technique of Data Analysis
All the collected data were analyzed qualitatively. The result of questionnaire and interview were analyzed into three steps, editing, interpreting and making conclusion. From the conclusion, it can be got about the description of the teacher’s way in motivating the students in learning English at the second grade of MTsN Sungai Tabuk Banjar regency academic year 2006-2007.


A. General
The research is done to know the teacher’s ways in motivating the students in learning English. The subject of the research is the English teacher and all the students in the second grade of MTsN Sungai Tabuk Banjar regency academic year 2006-2007. Since the number of the subject is less than 100, all the subjects were taken as the samples (47 students). The design of this study is descriptive where the researcher tries to describe about the teacher’s ways in motivating the students in learning English. The techniques of collecting the data were observation, questionnaire, and interview.
All the collected data were analyzed qualitatively. The result of observation, questionnaire, and interview were analyzed into there steps; data editing, data interpreting, and conclusion drawing. From the conclusion, it can be got about the description of the teacher’s ways in motivating the students of the second grade of MTsN Sungai Tabuk Banjar regency academic year 2006 – 2007 in learning English.
B. The Result of Research
1. The Result of Observation
The result of observation shows that in teaching English the teacher motivate the students by giving score, giving advice, giving homework/exercises, giving praise, and giving punishment. The teacher gave score, advice, and exercises in the while activities, the teacher also gave praise toward the student when they can answer the teacher’s questions. The teacher gave home works to the students in the post-activities. Punishment is given to the students who come late to the class when English teaching and learning process is taking place.
2. The Result of the Questionnaire to the teacher
The result of the questionnaire given to the teacher can be seen in the following table:
Table of Questionnaire to the Teacher

No. Pertanyaan Selalu Kadang-kadang Jarang Tidak pernah
1 Apakah Bapak menerapkan metode mengajar yang bervariasi dalam menyajikan pelajaran?

2. Apakah Bapak memberikan informasi lebih dulu kepada siswa apabila akan dilaksanakan ulangan (test)?

3. Apakah Bapak memberikan score pada hasil pekerjaan siswa?

4. Apakah Bapak memberikan pujian (praise) ketika siswa dapat menjawab pertanyaan dengan benar?

5. Apakah Bapak memberikan hadiah (prize) kepada siswa yang mendapatkan score tertinggi dalam menjawab pertanyaan?

6. Apakah Bapak memberikan bimbingan (advice) ketika siswa mendapatkan masalah/kesulitan dalam belajar Bahasa Inggris?

7. Apakah Bapak menerapkan kegiatan kompetisi (competition)dalam belajar Bahasa Inggris?

8. Apakah Bapak menerapkan metode kerja kelompok (group work) dalam kegiatan pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris?

9. Apakah Bapak mengatur tempat (arrange student’s seat) duduk siswa yang bervariasi dalam proses belajar mengajar Bahasa Inggris?

10. Apakah Bapak memberikan punishment kepada siswa yang berprilaku kurang baik dalam proses pembelajaran (membuat keributan)?

The table shows that the English teacher always applies various methods in presenting the instructional materials, give scores to the students’ works, and give praise when the students can answer questions correctly. The teacher sometimes informs the students when he wants to give a test, give prize to the excellent students, applying group works in presenting the lesson, and give punishment to the bad behavior students in the teaching and learning process. The teacher is rarely arrange the students’ seat variously and never applies competition to the students.

4. The Result of Interview
The result of interview gives explanation that 85 % of the students at the second grade of MTsN Sungai Tabuk like English lesson. Their achievement in learning English is quite good with the score category around 6 – 8 (minimal standardization). If there is a student got lower achievement, it is because of some factors such as less attention when English teaching and learning process is taking place, lazy for asking questions, often left their books at home, the presence is less than standardization, have low intelligence, and uncomprehending about the lesson. The teacher said that motivation influence the students’ achievement in learning English. He stressed that the students should pray first before studying English and the teacher said that he always motivates his students, if the students got bad scores, he always gives remedial for them.
From the observation, questionnaire, and interview, it can be found the fact that the teacher’s ways in motivating the students in learning is quite good and make the students able to achieve a quite good score.

C. Discussion
The result of observation, questionnaire and interview explain that the English teacher at MTsN Sungai Tabuk Banjar regency does some ways in motivating the students in learning English. The ways are: (1) giving score, (2) giving advice, (3) giving homework exercises, (4) giving praise, and (5) giving punishment
The teacher always gives praise if there is a student who can answer the questions from the teacher. It really helps the teacher to motivate them in learning English since the students feel valuable and get attention from the teacher. This is in line with what Sardiman (1991) says about types and ways to praise motivation in learning activity at school, one of them is the praise which is the kind of positive reinforcement and motivation.
The teacher also gives advice to the students. If the students make mistakes in answering the exercises or oral questions, the teacher gave the students advice how to get the correct answer.
From the questionnaire and interview, it can be got that the students’ motivation in learning English at the second grade of MTsN Sungai Tabuk is quite high and the student achievement is also quite high in learning English.
Although the students’ motivation is quite high, most of them learn at night before the English exam. The teacher should motivate the students to prepare perfectly the lesson before they have English examination. The teacher also can give prize if any of the students can get high score. Since motivation has some function as Sardiman (1986) explanation that the motivation function are ; push the human to act, determine direction of action, select the action, and pusher of effort and achieving the achievement.
In short, the ways the teacher motivate the students in learning English quite good and still in line with what the expert says about how to motivate the students ‘attention in learning English, so that the students’ achievement can be increased.


A. Conclusion
Based on the description in chapter IV, it can be concluded that the English teacher of MTsN Sungai Tabuk Banjar regency applied some ways in motivating the student in learning English. The ways that the teacher applied are giving score, giving advice, giving homework, giving praise; and giving punishment. Besides that, the English teacher always applied various methods in presenting the instructional materials, gave scores to the students’ works, and gave praise when the students could answer questions correctly. The teacher sometimes informed the students when he wanted to give a test, gave prize to the excellent students, applied group works in presenting the lesson, and gave punishment to the bad behavior students in the teaching and learning process. The teacher rarely arranged the students’ seat variously and never applied competition to the students.
B. Suggestions
Based on the conclusion above, some suggestions are addressed to the English teacher of MTsN Sungai Tabuk Banjar regency in particular and the English teachers of junior high school in general.
1. The teacher should keep motivating the students to learn English.
2. The teacher should keep using various methods in teaching to provide the material, such as using game since it will increase the role of the students.
3. The teacher can give prize if any of the students can get high score.
4. The teacher should create competition of feeling among the students to increase students’ motivation in learning English.
5. The teacher can vary the teaching material, in order that the students are more attracted toward the English lesson.


Undang-undang tentang sistim pendidikan nasional dan peraturan pelaksanaannya
1993, Jakarta, sinar grafika.

Wasty Soemanto, 1998, Psikologi pendidikan (Landasan kerja pimpinan
pendidikan), Renika cipta, Jakarta.

Dep. Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 1999, Kamus besar bahasa Indonesia edisi
kedua, Balai pustaka, Jakarta.




A. Background of the Problem
English is one of the international languages that is used by many people in the world and in many areas of everyday life. Therefore, using English is the easiest way to communicate with people from other countries about many aspects in human life such as technology, economy, social, and politics.
For Indonesia, English is a foreign language. Learning a foreign language is an integrated process that the learner should study the four basic skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. We use it to understand our world through listening and reading and to communicate our feeling, need, and desires through speaking and writing. By having more knowledge about language skill we have much better chance of understanding and being understood and getting what we want and need from these around us.
Writing is one of four basic skills. It is very important in teaching and learning English. Writing involves some language components (spelling, grammar, vocabulary, and punctuation). This is in line with what is stated by Braine and Claire May (1996:60), writing clear sentences requires you to learn the rules of English grammar and mechanics such as the correct use of verbs and pronouns, as well as commas and other marks of punctuation.
There are various ways to organize the sentences in a piece of writing. One of them is recount text. Recount text is the form of text that aims at retelling events for the purpose of informing or entertaining. In the recount text, the sentences are usually organized according to time order or chronological order. One thing happens and then another thing happens, and the events are told in the same order.
Based on my experiences, there are some problems found in the field when giving writing materials to the students, especially the recount text.
The first problem is that the students’ writing is not comprehensible, because the content of the composition is not relevant to the topic, the ideas are not clearly stated, the ideas and sentences are not well organized. The second problem is that there are many errors in vocabulary, grammar, and spelling.
Another problem is the students have low motivation and are not interested in doing the task since the writing activities are not interesting. Usually, the students are asked to write sentences and paragraphs without being given some clue so that it is difficult for them to express their ideas on a piece of paper.
Besides that, the students have difficulty at telling their experience. This is because writing is difficult for them since they have to master enough vocabulary, spelling, and grammar.
In reference to the explanations above and the strong desire of finding the solution of these problems, the writer has motivation to do the research in improving the teaching of writing in real class by using picture series as the instructional media. It is hoped that the media improve the students’ ability in writing, especially recount text.

B. Research Problem
In this research, the writer tries to describe the students’ ability in writing the recount text through using picture series. So, the problem is formulated as follows:
How does the teacher use picture series to improve the students’ ability in writing the recount text of the class VIIIC students of SMPN Bati-Bati in academic year 2008/2009?
C. Objective
Based on the problem formulation above, the objective of the research is to find the appropriate way in using picture series to improve the students’ ability in recount text of the class VIIIC students of SMPN Bati-Bati in academic year 2008/2009.

D. Significances
The study is expected to have both academic and practical contributions.
1. Academically, to help teacher/researcher to find out the alternative way of teaching writing, especially recount and to produce the relevant and valid knowledge for their class to improve their teaching.
2. Practically, it can be used as a model to improve the students’ ability in writing recount text, and it may guide, help and encourage students to express their ideas, opinion, and thought onto paper.

E. Scope
1. This research will be conducted\in order to find a good way to improve the students’ writing skill.
2. This research is focused on the teaching of recount text by using picture series as the instructional media.

F. Operational Definition
1. Using picture series is one of the instructional media in the teaching and learning process to attract the students’ attention and deliver information.
2. Writing ability is a productive skill beside speaking, to write simple sentence, message, and announcement and to write text in the forms of narrative, recount, and descriptive, and to write simple messages and personal letters for SMP students in the first and the second years.
3. Recount text is text that tells the students’ own experiences. It can also be found in personal letter, biography, and history.

G. Subject
The subjects of the study are the students of class VIIIC of SMPN Bati-Bati academic year 2008/2009 which consists of 36 students.


A. The Nature of Writing
According to J.D Angelo (1989:5), writing is a form of thinking. It means that writing is an activity to express ideas, issues, events, feeling or thinking to the others through written form. Cohen and Reil in Kusumaningsih(2001:1) say that writing can be defined as communicate act, a way of sharing observation, thought, or ideas with ourselves and others. It is a tool of thinking. By writing we can tell about people, remember the facts and ideas.
Based on the statement above, it can be concluded that writing is expressing ideas, facts, feeling, experience, and thought in written form.
In writing, the aspects include the use of vocabulary, structure of the sentence, composition of the sentence, spelling, and punctuation. These aspects are important to master in order to be able to produce good writing.
Writing, one of the productive skills, is considered difficult, especially writing in a foreign language. According to Axelord and cooper in Ma’mun (2004:5), writing is a complex process and such contains element of mastery and surprise. When students want to write something they should have a lot of information, ideas, and thought in their mind so that they will be able to express them into sentences, paragraphs, and an essay.
The writing ability is the main activity of composition. The writing should be systematic and detail. A knowledge or study about good writing or how to write composition is much needed.

B. The Teaching of Writing for SMP Students
According to English Syllabus of School Unit Level Curriculum (KTSP), the teaching of writing for SMP students involves the teaching of paragraphs or text. The texts advocated are: recount, narrative, descriptive, procedure and report.
Recount text is a kind of text that is usually found or presented in journals, diary, personal letter, biography, travel report, police report, sport report, history, etc. The main elements of recount are orientation, list of events, and reorientation. In the orientation step the writer mentions people and things that are involved, time of the event, the place, and the situation. In the list of events, the writer tells the events happen chronologically. In the reorientation, the writer concludes the story by giving comments.
Narrative text is a kind of text that tells a story. It is developed in some steps: orientation, complication, resolution, evaluation, and reorientation. In the step of orientation, the writer tells the characters in the story, their names and the place they live, their ages, their condition, and their willing. In the complication step, the writer presents the unexpected event that happens to the characters. In the resolution step, the writer tells how the complication is solved. In the evaluation step, the writer invites the reader to think what meaning or values that are taken from the story. In the reorientation step, the writer concludes the story by giving comments.
Descriptive text is a kind of text to describe something, people, or objects. Procedure text is a kind of text that tells a procedure of making something. Meanwhile, report text is a kind of text to report an event, things in the world, animals, and flora.
In this study, the focus is only to recount text, since this kind of text becomes problems for the students and it needs to be solved immediately. The strategy applied to improve the students ability in writing recount text is pyramid planning strategy.

C. Pictures Series
Students can construct their knowledge during learning recount text easily by using media. One of the media is picture series which draws a story. This medium fulfills the principles of using media issued by Nyoman S.Degeng (2001). Media which can be used to make the students learn more easily and the teacher teaches easily is the main part of the learning process. The media must be used in integrated way in teaching and learning and not only as ice breaker of teaching and learning.
To understand the way of the picture series, the students need to appreciate it in abstract way. In the same way, when they express their ideas to construct the story in a good coherence as well as unity, they have to think it in abstract way too. Both of them will be easier for them in learning process if the teacher can use picture series. It can not only help the students to get ideas more realistic in understanding the recount text but also in constructing ideas to create it.
During the students are writing the text, they can use top-down technique in predicting the content of the text based on understanding of picture series (Brown, 2004:217). They can predict the content of the text easily based on their understanding about the picture series. The pictures give the schemata to the students to construct ideas from their background knowledge and experience.


A. Setting and Subject of the Study
This classroom action research is focused on the students of class VIIIC SMPN 1 Bati-Bati Kabupaten Tanah Laut in the first semester of 2008/2009. The number of the students in this class is 36 students.
The students are taken as the subject of the study since they have poor ability in writing recount text.

B. Research Preparation
This research focuses on the positive effect using picture series as the media to improve the students’ competence to understand the generic structures of recount text as well as its language features. The writer also hopes that her students are able to design a text of recount orally after the process of teaching.
The steps of research preparations are as follows:
1. Arranging a schedule classroom action research
2. Designing a lesson planning
3. Preparing some students ‘worksheets
4. Preparing some pieces of picture series as the media
5. Preparing the jumbled stories based on the picture series
6. Preparing the students’ questionnaires
7. Preparing a form on assessment

C. Cycles
There are two cycles in this classroom action research. Each cycle consists of planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. Both cycles focus on the oral cycle of recount learning process. Each oral cycle needs 3 meetings.
One meeting is for building knowledge of the field (BKOF), and modeling of text (MOT). One more meeting is for joint construction of text (JCOT), and another one is for individual construction of text (ICOT). So, the two cycles of the action research need 5 meetings.

D. Instrument
The instrument used to collect the data is test and observation sheets. The test is used to know the students’ ability in writing recount text. Meanwhile, the observation sheets are used:
1. to assess the students during the learning process.
2. to check the students’ understanding about picture series.
3. to check the students’ understanding about the generic structure and the language structure and the language features of the recount text.
4. to enable the students to retell the picture series orally
5. to enable the students to design a text of recount orally
6. to check the students’ attitude to take part in the learning process of recount by using picture series as the media of teaching.

E. Research Plan
The research will be done in three months from October to December 2008. The plan can be seen in the following schedule.

Activities Months
October November December
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4



a. Proposal
b. Lesson plan
c. Instrument


a. cycle 1
b. Cycle 1 analysis
c. cycle 2
d. cycle 2 analysis


a. Drafting
b. writing report
c. submitting report


A. The Implementation of Cycle 1
Before implementing cycle 1, the researcher administered pre-test by asking the students to write recount text. The result of the test indicates that most students can not write the recount text. Based on the observation and interview to the students, the problem is that they are difficult to find idea to write.
In cycle 1 the researcher presented the recount text by using picture series. First of all, the students are given some pictures with incomplete sentence. Based on the pictures the students complete the sentences. After that, the students are given some pictures without any clue. The students write their own sentences based on their understanding about the pictures.
When the students were making their writing, the writer observed the students activities. It is done to know the students motivation and their activeness in doing the task as influence of the use of picture series media. In this activity, the researcher wrote the students’ development happened during the observation.
The result of the implementation of cycle 1 shows that the students’ writing ability is improved, but it has not achieved the criteria of success. The minimal standard criteria of the students’ writing ability are when the mean score of all the students is 7.00. The result reveals that the mean score of the students is only 65.55. It means that the study has not been successful yet.

The students’ scores for the first cycle can be seen in the following table.
No Names Score
1 Aminah 70
2. Arbainah 60
3. Azizah 65
4. Basman 65
5. Dewi 70
6. Dian Fajar Wati 60
7. Desi Jakal Kuswinarni 60
8. Fathurrahman 60
9. Ganang Hadi Prasetyo 65
10. Hamdah 60
11. Imam Muslim 65
12 Intan Sari 70
13. Junaidi 60
14. Khairul Rohayatin 70
15. Madinatul Munawaroh 70
16. Majeri 60
17 M. Noor Ansori 75
18 Milawati 70
19. M. Yudi 65
20 Naimah 70

No Names Score
21 Nasrul 60
22 Novi Arianto 60
23. Norbaiti 65
24. Normalinda 65
25. Only Crist Pangky 75
26. Rahman 65
27. Rahmawati 65
28. Raihanah 65
29. Riki Purnamasari 70
30 Rizal 60
31 Riska Arianti 65
32. Rofika 70
33. Sabaniah 60
34. Sariwati 70
35. Siti Fatimah 70
36. Yuliana 65
Total 2360
Mean 65.55

B. Reflection for Cycle 1
Based on the data presented in the table above, it can be stated that the implementation of using picture media to improve the students’ ability in writing recount text is not successful yet. The criterion of success is if the mean score of the students is at least 7.00 and the students are active in the writing activity.
In terms of the students’ activeness in writing activity, the result of observation shows that some students are active, but some others are not active in the writing activity. They look still confused in finding the idea to write in a piece of paper.
Although some students show their improvement in writing motivation and score of writing, the cycle 2 needs to be conducted. This is done because some students get score under the standard which is determined. Many students get score below 7.00. The cycle 2 is done to find the appropriate strategy in improving students’ writing ability in recount text using picture series media.

C. The Implementation of Cycle 2
In cycle 1, the researcher used picture series in presenting the recount text to the students. The result shows that some students get improvements in their scores and in their activeness in writing activity, but some others are still under the target or the criteria.
In cycle 2, the researcher still used picture series in presenting recount text. But in this cycle, the strategy used is different from the strategy applied in cycle 1. The strategy applied is the researcher gave more examples of how to write recount text using picture series. After the students understand and have confident, the researcher gave them again picture series, and the students write their own writing based on the pictures.
The result of observation shows that most students are very active and serious doing their tasks. Before the time given is over, all students submitted their writing. When they were interviewed, they stated that they understood how to make recount text the help of the picture series and the researcher’s explanation. By paying attention to the examples the researcher presented and the explanation, the students are easier to make their own writing. Besides that, the students not only can write the text but also mention the components of recount text and explained the function of each the component.
The result of the test can be seen in the following table.

No Names Score
1 Aminah 75
2. Arbainah 70
3. Azizah 70
4. Basman 70
5. Dewi 75
6. Dian Fajar Wati 70
7. Desi Jakal Kuswinarni 70
8. Fathurrahman 70
9. Ganang Hadi Prasetyo 70
10. Hamdah 70
11. Imam Muslim 70
12 Intan Sari 75
13. Junaidi 75
14. Khairul Rohayatin 75
15. Madinatul Munawaroh 75
16. Majeri 70
17 M. Noor Ansori 80
18 Milawati 75
19. M. Yudi 70
20 Naimah 75
21 Nasrul 70
22 Novi Arianto 70
23. Norbaiti 70
24. Normalinda 70
25. Only Crist Pangky 75
26. Rahman 70
27. Rahmawati 70
28. Raihanah 65
29. Riki Purnamasari 70
30 Rizal 65
31 Riska Arianti 70
32. Rofika 75
33. Sabaniah 65
34. Sariwati 75
35. Siti Fatimah 75
36. Yuliana 70
Total 2575
Mean 71.52

D. Reflection for Cycle 2
Based on the data on the table above, it is concluded that the students’ ability in writing recount text is improved. The criterion of success is if the mean score of the students is 70.00 or more. The data show that the students’ mean score is 71.52.
In terms of the students’ activeness in writing, it is also improved. In other words, the teaching of recount text using picture series can improve the students’ ability in writing recount text for the students of SMPN 1 Bati-Bati.


A. Conclusion
Based on the description in chapter IV, it is concluded that the use of picture series can improve the students’ writing ability in recount text. The students’ mean score is 71.52. It fulfills the criteria of success which is determined 7.00 or more. In terms of students motivation and activeness, during the teaching and learning process using picture series the students are actively involved and more motivated to write.

B. Suggestions
In reference to the conclusion above, it is suggested that the teacher of junior high school used picture series as an alternative media for teaching English, especially, in the teaching of writing recount text.
For the future researcher, the result of the study can be used as reference to conduct further study about the effectiveness of using picture series media.

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